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Monday, August 22, 2011

My ArmadilloCon schedule

I’m going to be a panelist at ArmadilloCon 33 in Austin this weekend and am really looking forward to it.

I’ve posted my schedule below. For the reading, I’m planning to read a new Devil’s Cape short story starring Doctor Camelot. I’ll be interested to hear what people think.

Also, I’m moderating a panel Sunday afternoon about superhero movies. If you’ve got any questions you’d like me to ask the panel, or an particular movies you’d like us to address, please let me know.


Fr2000SA SF/F Movies of the 80s: A Look Back

Fri 8:00 PM-9:00 PM San Antonio
R. Clement-Moore*, A. de Orive, R. Rogers, J. Perez, L. Person, D. Potter
What sf movies were we watching when Molly Ringwald and Michael J. Fox ruled the box office?


Sa1000DR Signing

Sat 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Dealers' Room
L. Anders, K. Frost, J. Hall, K. Hoover, B. Mahoney, R. Rogers

Sa1400SB SF/F Mysteries

Sat 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Sabine
B. Denton, M. Dimond, M. Fletcher*, K. Hoover, C. Mills, R. Rogers
A discussion of good examples of this mixed subgenre and the special challenges of writing it.


Sa1900P Reading

Sat 7:00 PM-7:30 PM Pecos
Rob Rogers

Su1200SB Superhero Movies

Sun Noon-1:00 PM Sabine
B. Hale, R. Kelley, A. Martinez, J. Perez, L. Person, R. Rogers*
Many critics and journalists are calling 2011 the year of the superhero movie. Our panel discusses this year's films and looks back on classic good and bad examples of the genre.

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