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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Devil’s Cape now on Kindle

Devil's_Cape_Kindle I’ve gotten a number of requests over the past year or so to make Devil’s Cape available as an e-book, so I’m pleased to announce that it’s now available through Amazon on Kindle. That means it’s available for Kindle readers, of course, but it’s also viewable through any device using the Kindle application—including PCs, iPads, iPhones, etc. I’ve got it fired up on my own iPhone, as a matter of fact.

The original Devil’s Cape cover was designed through Wizards, and although I like it a lot, I needed something different for the Kindle release. So I hired myself as a designer. After playing around with some different options, I went for a simple, clear concept that I hope is striking.

If you haven’t read Devil’s Cape, this is a good opportunity to do so. And if you have read it, please review it on Amazon, pass the word on to your friends, gift the book, etc. The sales are nice in and of themselves, but the more I can show there’s a market for my writing, the more likely I’ll be to sell another book.

Click here to read the full post with comments.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

FenCon VII

FenConVIIDallas-area folks, this weekend, Sept. 17-19, is FenCon VII. FenCon, the largest fan-run literay and filk convention in Dallas/Fort Worth, is a great con. I had loads of fun there last year and am excited to be going back.

If you get a chance, please come by and say hi. This year’s featured guests include Spider & Jeanne Robinson, John Picacio, Joe R. Lansdale, and Robert J. Sawyer! You can read more about it at the convention site.

I’ll be attending and will be hopping busy with panels on Friday and Saturday, so please come by and say hello.

Here’s my schedule: (If things change, you can find an updated version of it here.)

Friday 5:00 PM  - 6:00 PM Trinity 1/2
Rebooting Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Insane or Merely Crazy?
Description: First it was a movie in 1992, then it was a seven-season television show from 1997-2003. Is it too soon to consider a reboot? Or in a vampire-crazed world is now the right time to dip into the pool a third time?
C. Havens , A. Martinez , R. Rogers , C. Spector * 
Friday 9:00 PM  - 10:00 PM Trinity 6
Comic Book Movies: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Description: From the weekly serials in the 1940s to Iron Man II, how Hollywood handles comic book heroes on the big screen.
S. Patrick , R. Rogers , B. Waller , C. Havens * 
Saturday 10:00 AM  - 11:00 AM Oak Ballroom
75 years of DC Comics
Description: 75 years ago a small company was formed that eventually became the home of the first comic book Super-Hero, Superman! Soon Batman, Wonder Woman, and a myriad of comic icons followed The Man of Steel. Join us for a look back at seven and a half decades of a comic book juggernaut.
J. Lansdale , M. Nelson , S. Patrick , R. Rogers , B. Waller * 
Saturday 1:00 PM  - 2:00 PM Trinity 1/2
Mobile Holmes (I’ll be moderating this one) 
Description: Sherlock Holmes is an iconic character, and he seems to find himself adapted into a lot of science fiction and fantasy works. He’s been Dracula’s brother, he’s fought dinosaurs, and he’s even met Batman. How much can you tweak Holmes and still have him be Holmes?
P. Blair , B. Waller , M. White , R. Rogers * 
Saturday 2:00 PM  - 3:00 PM Gallery
R. Rogers, L. Carl, A. Martinez, C. Donahue, M. Fletcher, M. Tatum

Saturday 5:00 PM  - 5:30 PM Director's
Description: I’ll be giving a reading. I haven’t decided on what I’ll read yet, but I’m leaning toward an unpublished Devil’s Cape short story.
R. Rogers
Saturday 7:00 PM  - 8:00 PM Trinity 6
Random Novel Reading
Description: You won't believe this: Panelists read random passages from randomly selected books. Not for the fainthearted. Oxygen may be required. Be prepared to laugh uproariously. 
M. Bonham , J. Burk , M. Muenzler , R. Rogers , S. Wedel , Libby S. * 
(Note: I was in this one last year and had an absolute blast.)

Click here to read the full post with comments.
