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Thursday, January 01, 2009

HeroPress names Devil’s Cape book of the year


The fine and insightful (of course) blog HeroPress has named Devil’s Cape book of the year in its 2008 review.

I’m honored, grateful, and smiling.

HeroPress is a great, fun blog, and if you’re interested in science fiction, gaming, or comic books, you should have already bookmarked it by now.

I’ve been fortunate to be interviewed over there a couple of times and Devil’s Cape received a strong review there, too. You can check those out here.


Anonymous said...

Well deserved. Since reading your book I've tried to find other super-hero fiction out there and there just isn't anything good. There's a whole lot of satirical stuff (or what the author probably thinks is satirical!) but nothing which captures the verve like Devil's Cape.

If I had a website I'd name it novel of the year too!

Ben Langdon

Gary said...

Rob - congratulations! HeroPress know what they're talking about - it's a very good book. Now stop resting on your laurels and get another one out! ;-)

Ben - if you haven't already, try "Soon I Will Be Invincible" by Austin Grossman; very good super-hero fiction.

Tim Knight said...

"Soon I Will Be Invincible" is the only other good superhero novel I can think of off the top of my head.

(PS. Thanks for the kind words about HeroPress, Rob.)

Dal Jeanis said...

Awesome! And well deserved.

The book sure made me want to play in your sandbox.


S Bates said...

Yeah, there don't seem to many original (i.e. not related to Marvel/DC/pulp characters) superhero books around. Even the Wild Card novels aren't really superhero books.

Apparently there is a series of young adult superhero books called "The New Heroes" (I'll have to look out for them).

Anyway, the "award" was indeed well-deserved. Devil's Cape was a great book! Keep up the good work. ;-)

fozbaca said...

Congratulations!!! Any chance of a book 2?

Rob Rogers said...

Thanks, all! Fozbaca, yes, I'm working on a sequel.
