Sigh. We jumped in live so quickly I didn't get a chance to post a new message here. The interview is over--it looks like it had about 16 minutes of dead air. They're going to try to get that edited out so that it can be downloaded as a more or less clean whole, but I'm not sure what the time frame is on that. I'll post more when I find out. On the positive side, the interviewers were nice all around and I enjoyed the interview.
Click here to read the full post with comments.Quick hits via Twitter
Monday, June 23, 2008
Geekerati update
We seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties. They're trying to reschedule it for a few minutes later. I'll post again as soon as I know when that is. Sigh.
Click here to read the full post with comments.Labels: podcasts, technical difficulties
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Podcast on Geekerati on 6/23/08
I'm very excited to report that I'm going to be on Geekerati's podcast tomorrow night at 9 p.m. Central time. Please tune in! The particulars are below. If you miss it, the episode should be available for download later.
Click here to read the full post with comments.Rob Rogers joins the geeks to discuss his "superheroic" addition to the Discoveries line of books by Wizards of the Coast.Heroes with a Southern Gothic edge. If New Orleans has earned its "Sin City" nickname for its debauchery, then its nearby sister Devil's Cape has earned its "Pirate Town" moniker for the violence and blatant corruption that have marred the city since its founding.
Discussing DEVIL'S CAPE with Rob Rogers
Geekerati Radio
Date / Time: 6/23/2008 9:00 PM
Category: Blogcritics
Call-in Number: (646) 478-5041
Labels: books, Devil's Cape, podcasts
Blog catch-up
I've been lax, lax, lax in posting. Many apologies for that; I'll try to do better. I've got a couple posts coming up soon. One quick update in this post: The poll over whether Leonard Nimoy's "Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" is more or less painful than William Shatner's "Rocket Man" has closed with an anemic four votes. It was a tie. I'll have to decide whether to mount more polls or not. If you have an opinion, please post it in the comments below (I'm certainly not going to run a poll on it!). Peace.
Labels: polls
Monday, June 09, 2008
Tag me
I appreciate the reviews and such I've gotten on If you are so inclined, please go to the Devil's Cape page on Amazon and click the tags there that you think that are appropriate. Feel free to add additional tags, of course, but even just checking the boxes next to the tags you agree with would be great. I'd particularly like Devil's Cape to be one of the most recognized books under the "superhero novel" tag, for example, or "superhero fiction" or "urban fantasy."
If anyone is so inclined, I'd also love to see honest reviews cropping up at the non-U.S. Amazon sites, at the Barnes & Noble site, and at the Borders site, as well as pretty much anyplace else. :)
While you're at it, if you'd mark any reviews you agree with as helpful, that would be cool, too.
Thanks, all!
Labels:, Book Expo America, Devil's Cape
Which is more painful?
Today's question of the day: Which is more painful?
William Shatner's rendition of "Rocket Man"?
Or Leonard Nimoy's "Ballad of Bilbo Baggins"?
Please respond in the new poll I put up, then check out DeForest Kelley's response to Shatner's performance.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Where creative juices come from
A coworker sent out a link to this and I found it pretty funny (overly long, maybe, but funny). It's called "The Harvest."
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Podcast live with Dead Robots' Society
My interview by Ry Stevenson of the Dead Robots' Society has gone live. Check out the interview on this page. And if you have trouble getting it to play, you can access the mp3 directly through this link. After that, check out some of the other cool podcasts on the site (writers on writing with a science fiction and fantasy angle).
We talk about Devil's Cape, writing, Canadian accents, and more.
UPDATE: You can also find this podcast free on iTunes. From the iTunes store, search for Dead Robots' Society. The interview with me is Episode 36!
Labels: Devil's Cape, gaming, interviews, podcasts, writing
BEA report, part 2
Back for more, huh? Above is a picture of me signing books in the Wizards booth. You can see the cool framed pictures of the Discoveries books behind me, including Devil's Cape. More info, including an image of the Wizards booth's exterior, after the jump.
That's all for now. If I remember something significant I left out, I'll do an addendum post or something.
Labels: airplanes, appearances, Book Expo America, books, conventions, Devil's Cape
Monday, June 02, 2008
Devil's Cape on Sci Fi Wire
Woo hoo! I knew the article was coming, but I didn't know when. An article about Devil's Cape just went live on the Sci Fi Channel's news outlet, Sci Fi Wire. Go check it out.
Labels: books, Devil's Cape, interviews
BEA report, part 1
As you probably know if you're reading this, I spent last Wednesday night through yesterday afternoon in Los Angeles for Book Expo America (BEA) as part of a promotion of Devil's Cape and the other Wizards of the Coast Discoveries titles. I had a great time, saw some old friends, signed a lot of copies of my book, and spotted some celebrities, too. The short version is: it was a great several days. The long version is after the jump.
I'm going to slip into bullet mode here (rat tat tat--watch out for the tommy guns!). It will be easier to keep the details bite-sized that way, and what I've got is less a coherent analysis or story and more a series of impressions. I got partway through this and crashed, so it's part one for tonight and we'll get part two up soon.
I'll get to the rest of the weekend next time. Peace out.
Labels: airplanes, appearances, Book Expo America, books, conventions, Devil's Cape
Devil's Cape is Daily Dose at Powell's Books
BEA was terrific. I'll post more about that soon, probably tonight. In the meantime, Devil's Cape is today's Daily Dose at Powell Books! You can find it on the home page today or, if you're reading this later, try this more direct link.
This particular review is short, so I'll also include it in its entirety here, but I'd be grateful if you clicked through and marked it as helpful. :)
I am a 7th grade language arts teacher, so I've read a lot of Y/A Lit. This is the best book I've read in five years. This is book is "Sopranos" "Super Friends" and "Stephen King" all rolled into one well-crafted tale. I would love to use it as a class novel, but it might be a touch too violent for 7th graders-- or at least for their parents :)I do get a lot of questions about the appropriate age group for Devil's Cape. Just to clarify, it's not a YA novel--it's written for adults. But I certainly think it's appropriate for a mature young teen. Any of you who have read the book, please let me know what you think about the age range in the comments.
Click here to read the full post with comments.
Labels: books, bookstores, Devil's Cape, reviews